$compiler : \Phug\CompilerInterface
$compiler : \Phug\CompilerInterface
__construct(\Phug\CompilerInterface $compiler)
\Phug\CompilerInterface | $compiler |
getCompiler() : \Phug\CompilerInterface
Get the master compiler.
getCompiledNodeList(array<mixed,\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface> $nodeList, \Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface|null $element = null) : array<mixed,\Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface>
Compile each node of a given list and return an array of elements.
array<mixed,\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface> | $nodeList | |
\Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface|null | $element |
getCompiledChildren(\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface $node, \Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface|null $element = null) : array<mixed,\Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface>
Compile each child of a given node and return an array of elements.
\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface | $node | |
\Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface|null | $element |
compileNodeChildren(\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface $node, \Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface|null $element = null) : mixed
Compile each child of a given node and append each compiled element into the given parent element.
\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface | $node | |
\Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface|null | $element |
createVariable(\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface $node, string $name, \Phug\Formatter\Element\ExpressionElement $value) : \Phug\Formatter\Element\VariableElement
Create a variable element from a given node with a given name and expression.
\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface | $node | |
string | $name | |
\Phug\Formatter\Element\ExpressionElement | $value |
getTextChildren(\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface $node)
\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface | $node |
wrapStatement(\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface $node, $statement, $subject = null, $noChildrenEnd = ' {}')
\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface | $node | |
$statement | ||
$subject | ||
$noChildrenEnd |
compileParserNode(\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface $node, \Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface $element = null)
\Phug\Ast\NodeInterface | $node | |
\Phug\Formatter\ElementInterface | $element |
getStatementSubject(\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface $node, $subject)
\Phug\Parser\NodeInterface | $node | |
$subject |